Monday, September 5, 2011

Hello, it's me?

Up until a few weeks ago my mom's sleep patterns were interrupted due to noise in the house, sugar in the form of dessert too close to bed time, and all around not giving her the magic pills early enough before her head hit the pillow. These waking moments of hers served as a scary yet hilarious joke on my son and his girlfriend.
Let me set the stage:

My mom's bedroom is located next to the everybody bathroom on the first floor.  So on the way to el bano, you must pass mom's room.  One night after watching a horror flick which is what these crazy kids like to do before going to sleep, in the middle of the night when nature called, D made her way to the bathroom.

Everyone else in the house was asleep; you could hear the dogs snoring in the hall.  All was quiet except for the usual noises that accompany a 30 year old house, the creaks, cracks and... suddenly...


D stopped dead in her tracks.


As she made her way towards the bathroom the sound which resembled a weak howl was heard again.

"Hellooooooo, it's me."
D froze mid-way between going into the bathroom and the hall outside my mom's room.  With her hand on the door knob she didn't know whether to run in or away.  It was dark, the noises got louder; she ran, bursting in the bedroom terrified.
Alex got up and went to investigate.
"Helloooo.  I'm here.  It's me."
Alex opened the door.
"What's up Nan?"
"Oh, what are you doing here?  I have to go now."
"Nan, where you going?  It's nighttime, you have to go back to sleep."
"What are you crazy, I have to make the coffee."
(At least she didn't say she had to make the donuts!)
The conversation continued along the same lines.  She wanting to get up and make the coffee and get things ready because her brothers (all past on) were waiting or whomever else she had envisioned being there with her at that moment.  She tried in vain to get out of bed and that is what probably exhausted her back to sleep.
And as quickly as she had awakened, she just suddenly passed out.
As for D, her night did not pass so peacefully.  D refused to return to the bathroom unaccompanied that night and continues to have trepidations about midnight bathroom runs.